PRINCE GEORGE, BC | May 11, 2024

Refracting the Light: AI and Technology in Education


The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) will be hosting two New Teachers’ Conferences this year. One regional conference in Prince George and one Metro conference in Vancouver. The conferences are designed specifically for teachers and teachers teaching on call in their first five (5) years of teaching, as well as teacher candidates.

Vancouver Conference


May 10—Optional Reception
A welcoming reception will be held in the Foyer at the hotel on Friday, May 10, 2024 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Places are limited and participants must select the welcoming reception during the registration process in order to get access to the reception.

May 11—Conference



Keynote Speaker: Dr. Vanessa Andreotti (9:15 a.m.)

Dr. Andreotti is a former Canada Research Chair in Race, Inequalities and Global Change and a former David Lam Chair in Multicultural Education. She is the author of Hospicing Modernity: Facing humanity’s wrongs and the implications for social activism (2021) and one of the co-founders of the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures (GTDF) Arts/Research Collective. Most of her published articles and OpEds are available at

WORKSHOP SESSION 1 (10:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m.)

Assessment in an AI World: Using AI in Educational Practice

In this session, we will provide real-life examples that demonstrate how we can effectively combine the best teaching practices with technological advancements. 1. We will focus on metacognitive instruction, which teaches students about growth mindset and helps them become aware of their own thinking processes. 2. By integrating A.I. tools into the learning experience, we can create authentic learning tasks that showcase student progress and foster engagement. 3. By harnessing the concept of assessment triangulation we will share meaningful formative assessment practices leading to valid and precise summative assessment understanding of students’ success.

Decolonizing our Spaces

In this session members will engage in conversations around colonialism at many levels. Colonialism systemically permeates education, media, government policy and our whole society. Creating awareness is essential to understanding alternative value systems and how we are complicit by inaction. Decolonization demands a close look at Indigenous perspectives, ways of knowing and being and making change in our personal and professional lives.

Climate Justice 101

This workshop provides an introduction to the science and politics of climate change, and then explores how we can be agents for change within the education system. The first section of the workshop explores the reality of our changing climate, including modelling for future warming and extreme weather events. Actual impacts on BC teachers are foregrounded, as well as the inequitable distribution of impacts worldwide. This includes how climate disproportionately affects indigenous peoples, racialized folks, women, and the global south. In the second half of the workshop, teachers examine how school districts have or haven’t addressed carbon emissions and planning for a carbon zero world, and then how teachers and students can advocate to influence this work.

Creating a Comprehensive Literacy Program

Creating a literacy program can be a daunting task for a new teacher. What to include? How to teach it? What resources to use? Am I covering it all? In this session, we will review foundational elements of literacy programming, reflect on instructional practices that support these elements, and explore the role that assessment plays in creating a responsive and inclusive literacy program. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their current literacy programming in light of the information shared.

Health & Safety: Your Role and Responsibilities as a New Teacher

New teachers come away with an understanding of their rights and responsibilities as a teacher. They will learn what they are entitled to as a worker and what they are responsible for as a worker. Teachers will also learn about opportunities to promote health and safety and get involved in health and safety in their school and district.

WORKSHOP SESSION 2 (1:00–2:15 p.m.)

Artificial Intelligence and the Classroom: Using AI in Educational Practice

Participants who attend this workshop will understand modern AI models and their capabilities and limitations. They will also develop skills for equipping students to use AI responsibly and ethically in class and learn how to use AI themselves in ethical and pedagogically sound ways in order to increase efficiency, reduce workload.

Infusing Aboriginal Content

While teachers express interest in incorporating more Aboriginal content in their classrooms, they are sometimes unsure of where to start and how to find authentic materials. This workshop is designed to create awareness around integrating Aboriginal perspectives and quality Aboriginal resources in the classroom through hands on activities.

Behaviour and Technology: Expecting the Unexpected (Elementary)

In this workshop, new teachers will explore 1- A list of apps/tech that will help students with diverse needs access the curriculum, demonstrate their learning and be successful in class. 2- Understanding how behaviour is communication: Strategies and resources for challenging behaviours, mental health, and self-regulation. 3- Setting yourself up for success and how TIE BC can help.

Comment l’Intelligence Artificielle peut assister le personnel enseignant

Dans cet atelier, nous examinerons ce qu'est l'IA et comment elle peut être un outil précieux pour les éducateurs·rices en les aidant dans certaines tâches administratives, en fournissant des recommandations pédagogiques et en soutenant l'enseignement individualisé. Nous découvrirons quelques plateformes d'IA qui soutiennent les éducateurs·rices dans la planification des leçons, la création de grilles d'évaluation, d'images ou la recherche de ressources éducatives. Enfin, nous aborderons les questions éthiques liées à l'utilisation de l'IA dans l'éducation.

Building Conflict Resolution Skills to Effectively Communicate with Other Adults

In this workshop, new teachers will explore becoming energy-efficient when it comes to conflict, understanding your responses to conflict and learning Active Listening Strategies

Roles & Responsibilities of the Learning Assistance Teacher

In this workshop, new teachers will explore 1. Roles and responsibilities vary across the province (information sharing). 2. Collectively learning support teachers around BC can support each other in this work to benefit all students (networking). 3. Student support is most effective with coordination between classroom teachers and learning support teachers.

Teaching Core French to Grade 8-12

Participants will leave this workshop with materials they can use on Monday with their classes. They will have an introduction to the intensive French methodology and learn how to use it to teach core French. Tools to Assess French at the high school level. Effective French resources for high school will be shared.

Responding to Place through Storywork

(Please note this workshop is 90 minutes and will be facilitated outside)

In this interactive, outdoor workshop, participants will: 1) Develop their capacity for place-responsive learning, with integration of language and fine arts, with activities such as the Soundwalk, ArtStart, and Narrative Fossicking 2) Consider ways of using narrative as a classroom tool for place-responsive teaching, learning, and assessment with activities such as Event Mapping and RePhotography. 3) Weave the use of geographical and historical thinking skills with an appreciation for Indigenous ways of knowing, land-based learning, diverse access points for curricular content, and activation of pedagogies with activities such as Participatory Narrative Inquiry and Community Inventories. (This workshop will be facilitated outside, please make sure you dress for the unpredictable weather)

WORKSHOP SESSION 3 (2:30–3:45 p.m.)

Data Science & Desmos

Blending whole bodied activities and technology so that students can learn? Yes, please! Come prepared to get loud, cheer on your peers, and be surprised by just how quickly patterns erupt from the data we collect! This session is an invitation to participants to run and play before successfully engaging with problems of linear regression. This session will be an introduction to Data Science (Jo Boaler) and Desmos Technology (Dan Meyer).

Antiracist Strategies for Educators

This interactive workshop equips teachers with a better understanding of antiracism and how it can be incorporated into their daily teaching practice. Participants will consider key skills students and teachers need to discuss and implement antiracism and will have the opportunity to explore teaching strategies and resources to integrate this approach into their classrooms.

Behaviour and Technology: Expecting the Unexpected (Secondary)

In this workshop, new teachers will explore 1- A list of apps/tech that will help students with diverse needs access the curriculum, demonstrate their learning and be successful in class. 2- Understanding how behaviour is communication: Strategies and resources for challenging behaviours, mental health, and self-regulation. 3- Setting yourself up for success and how TIE BC can help.

Classroom Management for TTOCs

TTOCs must establish rapport with students quickly and use management strategies that work immediately. The workshop will explore the basics of classroom management and how TTOCs can adapt them for their work. Practical strategies for creating a positive environment and taking constructive action with individual students will be explored.

Le conflit entre adultes: La reconnaissance des habilités et l’entraînement des stratégies

Dans cet atelier, les nouveaux enseignants exploreront comment conserver notre énergie pendant un conflit, comprendre nos réponses aux conflits et apprendre les habiletés de l’écoute active.

Inquiry and Collaboration with your Teacher-Librarian

In this workshop, new teachers will explore collaboration opportunities with teacher-librarians at their schools and also talk about inquiry in the library learning commons with the TL.

Learning in the Primary Years

In this workshop, new teachers will explore knowledge about the Updated Primary Document with the importance of SEL and Play highlighted and modelled with possible strategies, as well as the importance of infused Indigenous and inclusion through responsive teaching.

Work/Life Balance for Early Career Teachers

Participate in this intricate yet highly valuable discussion on work/life balance as a new teacher. The BC Early Career Teachers Association (BCECTA) is offering this workshop based on the needs of new teachers. In this workshop, you will: 1- Identify the areas of your life that are your priorities and those needing your attention. 2-Discuss your concerns and learn practical strategies (ie. productivity tips, managing resources, support network, ...) to support you in your journey through teacher wellness. 3- Learn about communities of practice and how BCECTA supports early career teachers.


Coast Hotel Prince George

770 Brunswick Street

Prince George, BC


Register for this conference

Register using the rate most appropriate for your situation

General Registration

For non-BCTF members teaching in independent schools


BCTF Member

For BCTF members in their first five years of teaching

$175 $75

BCTF Members (TTOC)

For BCTF members who are TTOCs

$175 $60

Teacher Candidate

For teacher candidates

$175 $45

Faculty Associate

For faculty associates

$175 $90